
Dr. David Johnson
Welcome to Ozark Dental Center's website. Many new and exciting things are happening with our team of dental professionals. Allow me to tell you a little about myself and the evolution of our dental practice.
I am a native Southern Missourian born to parents who were educators in serveral communities in the Ozarks. I received undergraduate training at Southwest Missouri State-now Missouri State University and completed my doctorate at the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Dentistry in 1975. I then practiced dentistry in Salem and Viburnum, Missouri until the present.
Our team and I have continually sought state of the art education in our quest to deliver the finest dental services to our patients here in the Ozarks. We deliver a broad based array of dentistry including tooth colored restorative procedures, advanced laser assisted dentistry, advanced cosmetic smile makeovers, advanced endodontic (root canal) procedures, dental implants restoring single and multiple teeth as well as the patient with no teeth at all. We also offer state of the art dental imaging and a state of the art dental hygiene program designed to maintain and restore gum health to our patients. Children's dentistry and removeable dentures and partial dentures are also offered.
We have undergone extensive training with the Dental Boot Kamp, Paula Harriss Coaching and various other training institutes including the Hornbrook Group, LVI, and several others.
Forty years of experience in our communities and with our patients give us a great incentive to continue our growth and refine our services.
We believe that enhancing your dental health also enhances your overall health and that is our mission at Ozark Dental Center.